About Jeannette
Jeannette is an on-air TV personality, author, lifestyle expert, parenting writer, a Latina blogger, and public speaker.
She covers parenting, travel, social good, beauty, technology, work-life balance, safety in the home and all things Disney.
Aside from being Hispana Global’s CEO and editor in chief, Jeannette has written for Babble, mom.me, Today’s parenting team, Ser Padres and other outlets.
She lives in Miami, FL with her family, including her dog Snoopy. Follow along with her latest adventure on her blog at Hispana Global . Email her at info@hispanaglobal.com
An award-winning journalist, spokesperson, TV personality, internationally recognized parenting author and lifestyle expert, Jeannette Kaplun has over 20 years of experience on TV, radio, online media and as a published writer in English and Spanish. Born in El Paso, Texas, and raised in Chile, Jeannette is truly bilingual and bicultural.

In 2012 she launched her bilingual platform for Hispanic women, Hispana Global. There she shares tips about parenting, beauty, fashion, travel, technology and videos in English and Spanish. You can connect with her on Twitter (@jeannettekaplun) where she has over 35k followers and on Facebook, where she has over 11k fans. In 2014 mom.me recognized her as one of the top 50 mom bloggers. She received the 2015 Spirit of Excellence Award and in November 2015 was named one of the top 100 women leaders by Chile’s prestigious El Mercurio newspaper. She has been invited to the White House several times and in June 2016 was part of the first White House Summit on the United State of Women.
In 2011 Jeannette won LATISM´s Best Parenting Blogger award and in 2002 was named as one of the most influential Hispanic journalists by the Hispanic Media 100. She was a finalist in the Iris Awards as Web Personality of the Year, the 2013 SXSWi Revolucionario Awards and was a finalist in the 2013 LATISM awards in the best parenting blogger and best bilingual blogger categories. In December 2013 she was named a “Woman of Impact” by VJMedia. She is known as one of the leading Latina bloggers in the US and in May 2012 was invited to the White House as part of LATISM’s Top Blogueras Retreat. She began blogging about her pregnancy and motherhood in the early 2000’s, which makes her a true pioneer in the Latino/Hispanic blogging world.
Beyond the walt Disney World parks with Jeannette Kaplun
Cooking on the chew with babble.com
Positive parenting on steve harvey
- Jeannette Kaplun Gets Cooking Video | The Chew – ABC.com
- Staying Cool at Walt Disney World With Jeannette Kaplun …
- Beyond the Walt Disney World Theme Parks With Jeannette …
- Meet Jeanette Kaplun Pt. 1 – YouTube
- Ignite Evo 2012 – Jeannette Kaplun – YouTube
- Mom+Social: I am a Global Mom Jeannette Kaplun – YouTube
- Aprende a hacer disfraces caseros y económicos para este …
- Adamari López habla de la seguridad en el hogar | Un …
- Consejos para proteger a tu hijo en el hogar – YouTube
- María Celeste Arrarás: divorcio y perdón – YouTube
Press Mentions
- 8 Latino Bloggers for Social Good
- Dove Ad Highlights a Mother’s Impact on Daughter’s Self-Esteem
- What Happened When One Mom Stopped Criticizing Her Kids …
- Jeannette Kaplun: La bloguera chilena más reconocida en Estados …
- How Unilever’s Dove Uses Paid Media and Content Marketing to …
- Whose Mother’s Day Is It Anyway?
- 5 consejos de Jeannette Kaplun para proteger la seguridad de tu …
- ¿Español o inglés? Expertos de las redes te dan sus claves

Jeannette has spoken at major conferences including BlogHer, Blogalicious, We All Grow Summit, AHAA, Portada, EVO, LATISM, Blissdom, Hispanicize, Social Media Week Miami, SheStreams and SheCon. In 2013, I was a guest speaker at the UN Foundation’s Mom+Social Global Summit and also moderated the Global Voices keynote at Mom 2.0 Summit.
Jeanette's keynotes focus on:
- Motherhood
- Work-life balance
- Self-esteem and how to empower women and girls
- Working with digital influencers
- Family travel
- Challenges of being bilingual
- Latinos in the US
- Social media trends

For more information on how to partner up or work together,
please feel free to email me at info@hispanaglobal.com
¡Hola! Te doy la bienvenida a mi sitio oficial, aunque mi blog más actualizado es Hispana Global. Mi nombre es Jeannette Kaplun, soy periodista, presentadora de TV, escritora y bloguera. Me encanta estar en contacto con mis lectores, mi público y mis fans.
Cubro temas relacionados con la crianza de los hijos, la belleza, viajes, filantropía, seguridad en el hogar, cómo balancear la vida profesional con la familiar, moda y todo lo que tenga que ver con Disney.
Cubro temas relacionados con la crianza de los hijos, la belleza, viajes, filantropía, seguridad en el hogar, cómo balancear la vida profesional con la familiar, moda y todo lo que tenga que ver con Disney.